Orders sometimes fail for various reasons. You can now more closely control how you retry orders.
You can still use the original "Retry" button, which will keep all of your default offer selection criteria in place, but you now have expanded capabilities tucked in next to the original "Retry" button.
Here are the new options you have with Advanced Retry:
Ways you might use these settings to increase your chances of a successful order:
- Your last order failed with "max_price_exceeded," but just need to get the order shipped as soon as possible, and you're willing to pay a little more to make it happen. You can now increase your Max Price to include more expensive offers.
- Your last order failed with "max_handling_days_exceeded," but your customer will be OK with getting their package a little later. You don't want to cancel the order. You can now extend your Max Handling Days to allow for longer shipping times when selecting the offer to buy.
- Someone snatched the last "Prime" offer before you did. You're willing to buy the item from a 3rd party seller just this one time. You can now change the type of seller you'll source from for the order in front of you. The changes you make here will only apply to this order, not future orders.
- One of your fulfillment accounts is running low on credit, and you need to try the order again with a different account where you know you can spend more:
- Like the old "Force Order" button, this new retry can trigger duplicate orders if you click it more than once. This might be very useful when your buyer writes to you asking you to purchase more of your product, but it can cause chaos if you accidentally place repeated orders.
- Please be careful to check that you do not already have another retry attempt actively processing before you click "Force AutoOrder." PriceYak will not assume responsibility for duplicate orders placed through repeated clicks of this button.
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